Monday, July 23, 2012

The Best of the Movie "3 Idiots"

Have you already watched the Indian Movie "3 Idiots" ? If your answer is no, you better find time to watch it. It is a very great movie full of fun, adventure, lessons, laughter and touching scenes.

The plot of the story is ordinary but the whole movie turned out extraordinarily beautiful. If you haven't watched the movie yet and don't want spoilers, come back after finishing the movie and then you can proceed reviewing some fantastic scenes in there.

If you are done with the movie, read then my lists of some of the best scenes and lines you can found in the movie.

Funniest Conversations/Scenes

Speech of Chatur During Teacher's Day

Chatur or Silencer loves to cram and so when asked to recite the speech for the Teacher's Day, he didn't even bother to understand what was written there. Rancho replaced the word "served" by "screwed" and "funds" with "bosom" and Chatur delivered it flaws and all. You can just imagine the laughter from the audiences and the anger from the Director and the Minsiter. He even ended his speech with this Sanskrit verse which sarcastically refers to his frequent farting.

"The loudest fart is like the sound of a  motor vehicle
The middle fart is like the sound of a train
The smallest fart is a silent killer."

What Is A Machine?

After giving a simple definition of a machine, Rancho was ridiculed by his professor and was sent outside their classroom but then he went back to get something. The Professors reaction is really fun to watch.

Rancho: Sir, I forgot to take something...
Machine Class Professor
: What?
: Instruments that record, analyse, summarise, organise, debate and explain information; that are illustrated, non-illustrated, hardbound, paperback, jacketed, non-jacketed; with foreword, introduction, table of contents, index; that are indented for the enlightenment, understanding, enrichment, enhancement and education of the human brain through sensory route of vision - sometimes touch.
Machine Class Professor
: [confused] What are you trying to say?
: Books sir! I forgot to take my books. 

How Does An Induction Motors Start?

After peeing on Virus door, the three friends sleep in one of the classroom and woke up with the class already starting. Seeing the obvious hangover state, Rancho and Farhan explained that Raju spent the whole night studying the whole chapter of Induction Motors. 


Viru Sahastrabudhhe: [Angrily looks for Raju in the class] Raju Rastogi?
Raju Rastogi
: [a drunk Raju stands up from the last bench of class... and shouts] Yes, sir!
Viru Sahastrabudhhe
: How does an induction motor start?
Raju Rastogi
: [Raju looks around smilingly and then shouts] Vrrrrommmmmm. Vrrrrrrrooom. 

Better Late...
Rancho, Farhan and Raju after passing their test papers.  

Professor: You're late. I can't accept these. 
Farhan: Sir please Sir. 
Professor just laugh sarcastically in response.
Rancho: Sir do you know who we are?
Professor: Prime Minsiter Son? Even then, I will not accept your papers.
Rancho: Gets Raju and Farhan's test paper . Sir do you know our names and roll numbers?
Professor:No. Who are you?
Rancho: He doesn't know. Run. Scrambles the test papers the professor is arranging. 
Professor: Hey, what's your roll number? Where the hell are their papers. (sighs exasperatedly)

Result Day is Deal With God Day

 Farhan:  Today was result day. Time to make deal with God. 
 Student 1: O Mother Cow, help me pass my exam, have a grass.
 Student 2:  Just save my electronics, I'll offer a coconut
 Student 3: Sir Snake, bless my Physics. I'll offer a pint of milk every day.
 Student 4 while in the shower:  I vow no X-rated  thought of  girls on my class. Watch    over my results.
 Student 5 : God of wealth, I'll offer 100/ month .
 Farhan: 100 won't bribe even a traffic cop, let alone the Almighty. 

Most Touching Scenes

When Joy Lobo Committed Suicide

Joy Lobo is a graduating student and has this promising project but is short off his deadline. Rancho and his friend helped him finished the project for he lost hoped in finishing it already. But when they finished it,  he already hanged himself in his room.The scene was even made more touching because of this song entitled "Give Me Some Sunshine". Joy was supposed to be the first Engineer to graduate from their village.

"Give me some sunshine give me some rain give me another chance I wanna grow up once again."

Virus Handing The Astronaut Pen To Rancho

Virus: On the first day, you asked me a question " Why did't astronaut use pencils in space. If a pencil tip breaks, it will float in zero gravity, get into eyes, nose, everywhere. You were wrong, you were wrong,  you couldn't be right all the time. You understand? 
Rancho: Yes Sir.

Virus: This was an important invention. You understand? 
My director said, When you find an extraordinary student, (put the pen in Rancho's shirt)
Go study. Pass your exams and leave.

Mona's Child Birth

The city was flooded and there was no way Mona(Pia's sister) could reach the hospital. Her water already broke and Rancho and his friends helped delivered Champ through vacuum extraction using a real vacuum cleaner but modified it for the delivery as wellas  car batteries as source of power and other improvised equipments.The baby was  stillborn and only cried after everybody cheered "All Is Well".

Raju Rastogi's Attempt To End His Life

Torn between being rusticated from the school and betraying his fiend Rancho, Raju decided to jumped from the Professor's room. Raju was in coma for 2 months and through his friends encouragement and constant visit finally recovered.

Memorable Lines

"Pursue excellence, and success will follow, pants down." - Rancho
"When your friend flunks, you feel bad, when he tops, you feel worse. - Farhan 
"Make your passion your profession, and work will become a game." - Rancho

"Cramming may get you past 4 years in college but it will screw your next 40 years." - Rancho

"That day I understood that this heart scares easily. You have to trick it, however big the problem is. Tell your heart, 'Pal, all is well. All is well.'"- Rancho

"Life is a race. If you don't run fast, you'll get trampled." - Virus
"A for apple B for Ball, D for Donkey ....S for Screwed"
"All is fair in love and war and this is World War 3." - Virus
Farhan to Raju: Nothing is impossible Raju: Oh yeah? (squeezed the toothpaste out of its tube) Shove this back into the tube."
"Aal Iz Well." - Rancho

Can't get enough? Go ahead and watch it again. No one's stopping you. Practice then the great lesson you can found in there: enjoy the fun and adventure in this life  and all will be well.


  1. Replies
    1. This is really one of the best Indian movies.

  2. This is really very nice post you shared, i like the post, thanks for sharing.. Best Student

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